So, like most things in my life I start something, then drop the ball a bit - but luckily it hasn't been a ridiculously long time since I posted, so I'm going to pretend that I wasn't negligent to my blog at all, so as to not completely ruin my track record.
Plus, we have been busy moving and getting things ready for when Brandon takes off for Basic training. Yup - that's right, if you haven't already heard, my dear sweet husband is leaving me for 25 weeks to join the National Guard and go through his training. Then he will come get me (and of course Kale - if they take kids they have to take dogs right? hehehe), and we will live on a base somewhere for three years while he is on active duty. It would be simply marvelous if we could stay in Arizona somewhere, but I'm not even going to try and guess where we will be or try and get my hopes up. I think having no expectations is the best way to go.
So, for right now we are living with my parents until Brandon leaves on the 28th of this month, then I will remain there till late September/ early October when he finishes training. Overall I think this is a path that will bring Brandon so much happiness. I'm so proud of him for deciding to serve his country and join the military. Yes, its scary as all-get-out for me, and I'm terrified of his probable deployment, but I know this is the right thing for us right now.
Well I think that is pretty much it for now. we are suppose to go to Disneyland with Brandon's sister and her husband, so we are looking forward to having a little fun before Brandon leaves. Yay for Mickey!
So glad you came with us to "The Happiest Place on Earth!" It would not have been the same with out you. Thanks for some great memories! :o)